First week at school had finally ended. My review of the timetable? Ok, i don't mind the timeslots. I find them very comfortable.The only down thing i had was that i am very very tired due to lack of sleep.But i figured that this wouldn't be a problem after i sleep my ass off this weekend.
But come to think of it, Year 2 is more stressful than Year One naturally. There are more group reports to come up with and as a class loner,i really hate group reports. I have 3 to do every week!
However,the modules are really fun and the only reason i can think of is that...i am lacking sleep,that's why i feel quite sleepy.Furthermore i got the fetish for front rows,i can't sleep.
I realized something scary.I am actually liking maths.Or simply put,calculation problems.This is bad...very bad.
Sidetrack a bit,last night...i talked to her.Things are still the same, but something inside me is's like i think i might have just...ah, never mind.I'll just leave it there and only strike when i get it.
That's all de arimasu!!
Really broke this month...
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