Exams are finally over! And Year One of Digital & Precision Engineering is finally over! I should be expecting to be a Year Two at April!So fast,one academic year had passed,met new people,learn new stuff.Well,i wouldn't be that fucking emotional if the news was not announced to it.
There will be a change of class,as in reshuffle the whole course,what a stupid choice.Nevertheless,i never really liked my class.I don't go yelling,HEY FUCKERS I AM FROM DPE0805!!SUCK IT!!
No,i don't.
Emotional bonds and class bonds are fuck troublesome,it's best that i don't attain any of it.
Finally holidays,as usual,not allowed to find job.Looks like i will rot at home then.And also buy more toys.Speaking of toys,i really hate it when people keep saying i am still a kid buying toys.
I buy toys because i love them.Since young,i've always liked em,don't agree with me?Bang your head on the wall and fuck off.
If you're going to say toys will make me look like a kid to others,then that's my fucking problem.Don't like who i am?FUCK OFF THEN.
Back to main point, i've decided that i might wanna go into Shinkenger toyline.It's not that bad but Shinken Oh is nevertheless still thin.But well to me Sentai is pure changers and mecha.
That's all de arimasu!!!
Geez,i got a fetish for Rina's mole.So cute